Stop the Silence End the Violence

2 Sided Mirror

Book Launch May 2024

About the Founder

Owner of 2 Sided Mirror
I am an Author, Podcaster, Domestic Violence Warrior, Domestic Violence Advocate, Mental Health Advocate and Suicide Awareness Advocate. My brand is based on my 2024 release of my 2 Sided Mirror book. These collections are inspired by my faith, my story and my testimony. My primary mission is to share my faith and my testimony through those going through DV, those that have been through DV, have left a DV situation and those who have lost loved ones due to DV. I want to reach those going through mental health issues or thoughts of Suicide. If I can reach one person, I know I did what God had planned for me.

Contact Us

Contact us via email or find us on Tik Tok, Facebook or Instagram.
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 8:00 AM — 5:00 PM